Due to the BMO St. Patrick's Day 5K, please be advised that vehicle traffic into the Aquarium will be restricted until 10:30 am on Saturday, March 15. Please plan ahead.
Meet the Atlantic Spiny Lumpsucker, a cute and round fish sometimes called a "living suction cup" because of its ability to stick to things. They’re… a little clingy!
Meet the Atlantic Spiny Lumpsucker, a cute and round fish sometimes called a "living suction cup" because of its ability to stick to things. They’re… a little clingy!
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… Blacktip Reef Shark?! During feeding frenzies, these spectacular creatures have been known to jump fully out of the water.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… Blacktip Reef Shark?! During feeding frenzies, these spectacular creatures have been known to jump fully out of the water.
The Giant Pacific Octopus is a clever cephalopod with the most complex brain of any invertebrate. They can open jars, unscrew lids, and solve challenging puzzles!
The Giant Pacific Octopus is a clever cephalopod with the most complex brain of any invertebrate. They can open jars, unscrew lids, and solve challenging puzzles!
The Goeldi’s Monkey is a pint-sized primate known for leaping up to 13 feet from tree to tree! That's like jumping over two refrigerators stacked on top of each other.
The Goeldi’s Monkey is a pint-sized primate known for leaping up to 13 feet from tree to tree! That's like jumping over two refrigerators stacked on top of each other.
Golden Poison Frogs may look cute and cuddly due their tiny size and brightly colored skin, but they are actually one of the deadliest animals on the planet!
Golden Poison Frogs may look cute and cuddly due their tiny size and brightly colored skin, but they are actually one of the deadliest animals on the planet!
The Green Anaconda is the world’s heaviest snake and the most aquatic of all boas! These ssssss-scaly swimmers are often referred to as the "water boa".
The Green Anaconda is the world’s heaviest snake and the most aquatic of all boas! These ssssss-scaly swimmers are often referred to as the "water boa".
An easy way to tell Harbour Seals apart from other seals is to look for their cute little "V" shaped nostrils and spotted coats. They’re like dalmatians of the sea!
An easy way to tell Harbour Seals apart from other seals is to look for their cute little "V" shaped nostrils and spotted coats. They’re like dalmatians of the sea!
The Northern Leopard Frog is a master of disguise. Thanks to its spotted skin, which resembles a leopard’s coat, it can easily camouflage to its surroundings.
The Northern Leopard Frog is a master of disguise. Thanks to its spotted skin, which resembles a leopard’s coat, it can easily camouflage to its surroundings.
The Pig-Nosed Turtle gets its name from its cute snout that resembles a pig’s nose. They are also the world’s only freshwater turtle with paddle-like limbs!
The Pig-Nosed Turtle gets its name from its cute snout that resembles a pig’s nose. They are also the world’s only freshwater turtle with paddle-like limbs!
Reticulate Whiprays get their name from the unique pattern of dark spots on their backs, which look like an intricate maze. They’re pretty ray-markable!
Reticulate Whiprays get their name from the unique pattern of dark spots on their backs, which look like an intricate maze. They’re pretty ray-markable!
See the fan-favourite sea otter cam now! Watch our playful otters explore their habitat online before you see them in person during your next visit to Vancouver Aquarium.
See the fan-favourite sea otter cam now! Watch our playful otters explore their habitat online before you see them in person during your next visit to Vancouver Aquarium.
Steller Sea Lions are highly intelligent creatures that can recognize themselves in mirrors, a rare sign of self-awareness shared only by a few species.
Steller Sea Lions are highly intelligent creatures that can recognize themselves in mirrors, a rare sign of self-awareness shared only by a few species.
What grows up to 20 feet long, weighs over 1,500 pounds, and has been around for 175 million years? It’s not a dinosaur – it’s the White Sturgeon, a freshwater fish!
What grows up to 20 feet long, weighs over 1,500 pounds, and has been around for 175 million years? It’s not a dinosaur – it’s the White Sturgeon, a freshwater fish!